Mill Creek Cleanup Day
Bleiblerville VFD 3912 FM 2502 Rd, Bleiblerville, TXOwn a property in the Mill Creek watershed? Join us August 13th and help clean up your watershed!
Own a property in the Mill Creek watershed? Join us August 13th and help clean up your watershed!
Open to all residents of Washington County including the cities of Brenham and Burton
May 9, 2023 5:30 pm Austin County Extension Office 800 E Wendt St, Bellville Texas Please join us for dinner and a partnership meeting! We will discuss water quality monitoring data, as well as bacterial source tracking (BST) and the potential benefits of a BST project in Mill Creek. If you would like to attend, please pre-register by calling 979-845-2862 or emailing
This free class will provide you with everything you need to know to service your own aerobic septic treatment system! Upon completion of the class, you will receive a certificate that will qualify you, in Austin and Washington Counties, to service your own system. Lunch is on your own during an hour break. Registration is required and must be completed before Friday, September 29 at noon. Click HERE for registration, or visit
Do you live in the Mill Creek Watershed? Join us on Saturday, October 21, for our Fall cleanup! Because the land in our watershed is mostly privately owned, our cleanup looks a little different. If you would like to participate, you register here, pick up a packet of cleanup supplies, then collect litter from your own property. Then, on Saturday, you bring any waste you collected and we will have a free dumpster to dispose of the trash. We can accept common litter and large waste. No hazardous materials... Read More →
Sample Drop Off – Feb 5 | 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Sample Results and Meeting – Feb 7 | 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The Texas Well Owner Network (TWON) program is a free educational training for Texas residents who depend on household wells for their water needs. TWON is for private well owners who want to become familiar with groundwater resources, septic system maintenance, well maintenance, water quality and water treatment. Bring Your Well Water Samples! Samples are due on Monday, Feb 5 by 10:00 a.m. There is... Read More →
If you live in or around the Mill Creek Watershed, we want to hear your thoughts on future priorities for our watershed program! A project update will be provided over dinner, then we will make time for discussing and answering important questions about what the project should focus on next. For this meeting to be effective, we need engaged participants who can bring their experience and expertise to the table. We would be honored if you were able to make the time to attend. A free dinner will be... Read More →
Join the Mill creek Watershed Partnership in attending the 2024 Lone Star Healthy Streams Workshop. Learn about feral hogs, backyard poultry, and grazing management from industry professionals. Light refreshments will be provided! To register, visit Want to learn more? Visit
Join us for the Mill Creek Fall Cleanup - landowners collect waste and we pay for disposal!
Bring your lunch and learn about Water Quality Management Plans and potential technical and financial assistance available for implementing water quality best management practices like: Livestock Watering Infrastructure Prescribed Grazing Stream Access Management You can register by calling 979-321-5921 or emailing Check out the flier here: WQMP_LunchLearn_Flier