Technical and Financial Assistance Informational Meeting

Austin County Agrilife Extension Office 800 E. Wendt St, Bellville, TX, United States

Bring your lunch and learn about Water Quality Management Plans and potential technical and financial assistance available for implementing water quality best management practices like: Livestock Watering Infrastructure Prescribed Grazing Stream Access Management You can register by calling 979-321-5921 or emailing Check out the flier here: WQMP_LunchLearn_Flier

Riparian and Stream Ecosystem Workshop

Industry City Hall 725 Main Street, Industry, TX, United States

RSVP HERE BY APRIL 15, 2025 This workshop is being co-hosted by the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension & Research and the Texas Water Resources Institute. The training will focus on the nature and function of stream and riparian zones and the benefits and direct impacts from healthy riparian zones. The riparian education program will cover: Riparian principles Watershed processes Basic hydrology including erosion/deposition principles Riparian vegetation including potential causes of degradation Local resources including technical assistance and tools to prevent and/or resolve degradation This training includes both indoor... Read More →