Latest Past Events

Septic System Workshop in Brenham, TX

Washington County Fairgrounds Sales Facility 1305 E. Blue Bell Rd., Brenham

Attend this free course which provides a basic understanding of the operational and maintenance activities of the conventional and aerobic septic systems, with a focus on aerobic systems, and explains how activities within the home impact septic systems.

Steering Committee Meeting

Austin County Agrilife Extension Office 800 E Wendt St, Bellville

Ward Ling, Mill Creek Watershed Coordinator, opened the meeting with a Powerpoint presentation. Highlights of the presentation included a short history of the project, followed by an explanation of what is in the Mill Creek Watershed Protection Plan, related to management measures. An overview was provided about all the programs that have been brought to the watershed in the past year and a half (Texas Well Owner Network, Homeowner Septic System Maintenance Classes, Stakeholder Meetings, Lone Star Healthy Streams Workshop). Summary

Texas Well Owner Network

The event will be located at the Washington Co. Fairgrounds Sales Facility , 1305 E. Blue Bell Road from 8 a.m.-12 p.m. This FREE event is education training for Texas residents who depend on household wells for their water need. Also those who attend can bring a water sample to be screened. You can pick up an approved sample container at the Washington County Texas A&M AgriLife Extension office and bring your sample and $10 to the training for your screening.